Audio Status
Left peak audio level. Right:
Right peak audio level. Network status
Shows device's MAC address. Type:
Shows the way IP address is assigned: DHCP, AutoIP or static. IP Address:
The assigned IP address. Netmask:
The assigned subnet mask. Gateway:
The assigned gateway. DNS 1:
The assigned primary DNS server. DNS 2:
The assigned secondary DNS server. Connection status
- IP Audio Client URL : Playing from Internet stream.
- Icecast Player : Playing from Icecast compatible source client.
- RTP Player : Playing from RTP source client.
- MP3 Audio Player : Playing from Internal storage.
Shows connection state. States are as follows:
- Connecting... : Connecting to server.
- Buffering... : Connected to server. Buffering data.
- Connected : Connected to server. Playing.
Compression format of the stream. Samplerate:
Audio samplerate of the stream. Bitrate:
Bitrate of the stream. Stream name:
Stream name as reported by server. Live data
Click on the icon to toggle live data ON/OFF.

- live data is ON.

- live data is OFF.